Fish Plate Joint Alliance

Welcome to the Fish Plate Joint Alliance video page.  Here you will find demonstrations of the Fish Plate Joint Alliance Upgrade Kit and its benefits to rail infrastructure.

The Fish Plate Joint Upgrade Kit has proven its effectiveness with a recent installation at Network Rail Fishguard.  1,500 Joints with combinations of Bullhead and Flat Bottom rail were upgraded along approximately 15 miles of track that was completed in five night shifts.

Dylan Miller, Project Manager for Vital Human Resources Ltd talks to Staytite about the benefits of using the Hardlock Nut and Interflon Lube EP.

A recent trip to the Network Rail Training Centre in Basingstoke shows the full fishplate upgrade process.

This video shows a comparison of fasteners, demonstrating the superiority of the Hardlock Nut.  Using the Hardlock Nut improves the integrity of the fish plate joint by resisting loosening by vibration and other external forces.

This video shows how quick and easy the process of lubricating fish plates on rail using Interflon Rail Lube and the specially designed back pack.  This is an essential component of delivering maintenance savings.